Battery Safety Awareness
April 27, 2024

Over the past decade Lithium batteries have greatly improved the performance of many of the devices we use daily. Everyday we enjoy longer run times on our personal devices, better preforming tools, or gas free vehicles.

While the benefits are many, they do come with some risk. Video from the Virginia Beach FD shows how fast a thermal runaway can occur, and is a good example of how violent a Lithium Ion fire can be.

With Lithium Ion technology becoming more commonplace, following these tips can improve user safety and help prevent damage or injury.

- Only use manufacturer approved cords and chargers.
- Follow recommended charging instructions.
- Never leave a charging battery unattended or plugged in once fully charged.
- Do not use altered or damaged batteries.
- Never fall asleep with a personnal device in your bed.
- Properly dispose of used batteries.

Attachment LithiumIonBatterySafety.pdf  (1,020k)